We discuss some “not so light-hearted,” nor simple spiritual matters that have had the brightest of thinkers scratching their heads for centuries.
We discuss some “not so light-hearted,” nor simple spiritual matters that have had the brightest of thinkers scratching their heads for centuries.
In her mind, the voice was unmistakably God. Given what’s transpired since, and the circumstances surrounding the establishment of Francis and Benedict, it’s hard to see it any other way.
We discuss the needed updates churches may want to consider the ways ministry is carried out, how the church defines "pastor," and the roles expected of them.
If God "works good out of all things for those who are called according to His purpose," and one has a painful and life-altering experience, did God cause it to happen in order to bring out that good? Can we assume all of it was a part of the original plan?
Musician and song-writer, John Mark McMillan and Propaganda, (hip-hop/spoken word artist and author) join the show to talk about their upbringings, cultural makeups, different life experiences and their current world views, as a result. They both share some compelling thoughts on racism and inequality, through the lenses of Christian faith.
We discuss why conversations surrounding race are still difficult to this day, especially in the church. Could there be a spirit of division behind it all? Our lead pastor believes so.
Josh Surratt and Naeem Fazel, both lead pastors of churches, discuss and the deeper issues at the root of the rampant division in the "capital C" church.
Five therapists each share three bits of advice to get the best out of the new year. Speakers include Jennifer Rodriguez, Chip Judd, Lyn Harrison, Michael Morris and Elizabeth Gillespie.
We discuss Santa Claus, and our take on the lies we tell our kids about him, and dishonesty in general. Are there any circumstances in which telling a lie is more loving than telling the truth? In other words, is there such thing as a good lie?