EP084 February 6, 2024

"Baby Grace" of Little House on the Prairie

Actress Wendi Lou Lee discusses her early childhood years on the set of Little House on the Prairie as "Baby Grace," the fourth daughter in the Ingalls family, as well as her adulthood and a pivotal experience with a brain tumor.

EP083 January 30, 2024

What the Church Needs to Know About Domestic Violence

Domestic violence isn’t always intoxication and assault. It takes on many different forms, and in churches just like everywhere else, it’s happening right under our noses.

EP082 January 23, 2024

God and Healing with Becky Johnson of Jesus Culture

Former punk-rock, self-loathing, self-harmer, now a leader at one of the most influential ministries in the US; and it all started when a stranger handed her a CD.

EP081 January 15, 2024

Experiences of Black Women in America

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the topic at hand in this episode is the beauty, strength and complexity of humanity through the lenses of two women, Deloris Mastrianni and Tamara Brown.

EP080 January 9, 2024

Irene Rollins: Overcoming Addiction and Reframing Shame

Addiction is real, and it hurts those struggling with it as well as those who love that person struggling. Irene Rollins shares her story of alcohol addiction and how it almost cost her everything that was most dear to her.

EP079 January 2, 2024

"Girl in the Spotlight" with Angie Mizzell

In her coming-of-age memoir, “Girl in the Spotlight,” television journalist Angie Mizzell shares a heartfelt and hopeful story of arriving at a crossroads, getting lost in the darkness, learning to let go, and finding her way back home.

EP078 December 25, 2023

This Christmas, Rejoice with Those Who Rejoice

Rejoicing during this season by talking favorite christmas songs and when they should be listened to, and discussing whether Christmas celebrations are rooted in pagan worship and whether that should be bothersome if true.

EP077 December 18, 2023

This Christmas, Mourn with Those Who Mourn

'Tis the season to be jolly, unless you are extremely burdened and heavy-laden. In our last two episodes, we not only want to have fun talking about Christmas and being jolly, we also remember those who are suffering... and potentially be a resource to help you navigate this season.

EP076 December 11, 2023

God, People, Prayer, Mystery: Christians Who Believe God is Limited in Power

Most Christians believe God is all-loving and all-powerful, but if this is the case, how does the existence of evil exist? And if God has all the power and is all-knowing, how does prayer fit into the equation?

EP075 December 4, 2023

God, People, Prayer, Mystery: People Need to Pray More

Most Christians believe God is all-loving and all-powerful, but if this is the case, how does the existence of evil exist? And if God has all the power and is all-knowing, how does prayer fit into the equation?

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